CatÂeÂgory: Dessert
PlacÂerÂGrown ingreÂdiÂents used: BlackÂberÂries Eggs Eureka Lemons
- 2 teaÂspoons butÂter — melted
- ½ cup packed brown sugar
- 1½ teaÂspoons grated lemon rind
- 2 cups fresh blackberries
- 1¼ cups all-purpose flour
- 1½ teaÂspoons bakÂing powder
- ¼ teaÂspoon salt
- 2/3 cup granÂuÂlated sugar
- 2 tableÂspoons butÂter — softened
- 1 large egg
- ¾ teaÂspoon vanilla extract
- ½ cup fat free milk
PreÂheat oven to 350 degrees. Place 2 teaÂspoons melted butÂter in the botÂtom of a 9-inch round cake pan; sprinÂkle with brown sugar and lemon rind. Top with blackÂberÂries; set aside. Lightly spoon flour into dry meaÂsurÂing cups, level with a knife. ComÂbine flour, bakÂing powÂder and salt in a small bowl. Beat granÂuÂlated sugar and 2 tableÂspoons butÂter in a large bowl with mixer at medium speed until well blended. Add the egg and vanilla, beat well. Add flour mixÂture to egg mixÂture alterÂnately with milk, beginÂning and endÂing with flour mixÂture mix. Spoon batÂter over blackÂberÂries. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minÂutes or until a wooden pick inserted m cenÂter comes out clean Cool in pan 5 minÂutes on a wire rack Loosen edges of cake with a knife. Place a plate upside down on top of cake pan invert onto plate Per servÂing: 259 cal; 4.8 g fat(2.7g.sat 1.4g non .4g poly) 38 mg chol.; 3.7 g. pro.; 46.2 g carb; 24 g dietary fiber; 224 mg sod; 18 perÂcent caloÂries from fat