Cat­e­gory: Side Dish

Plac­er­Grown ingre­di­ents used: Strawberries

Served with these Plac­er­Grown Prod­ucts: Strawberries


  • 2 pounds large-sized firm strawberries
  • 2 table­spoons butter
  • ½ cup vanilla syrup
  • Soaked bam­boo skewers

Pre­heat grill to medium heat. Make sure grate is well oiled. Thread straw­ber­ries onto skew­ers, about 4–6 berries per serv­ing. Arrange on pat­ter or bak­ing sheet. Warm but­ter and syrup together in a small skil­let placed on the edge of the grill, and stir until but­ter melts. Brush berries well with syrup mix­ture. Trans­fer kebabs to grill. Cook for 6 to 8 min­utes, turn­ing occa­sion­ally to grill on all sides until ten­der the juices are ooz­ing. If you wish, driz­zle with more syrup and serve on a bed of fresh mint.